Hello! I’m Heather Farrell
I started this website right after the birth of my first child. He was born at Christmas time and I found myself feeling a deep sense of kinship with Mary, the mother of Christ. I marveled at her faith, her courage, and that fact that she went anywhere on a donkey at nine months pregnant! After my son was born I started to search the Internet for more information about women in the scriptures. What I found was surprising– there was hardly anything!
When I was younger I struggled with women’s apparent silence in the scriptures, but in college I took a class on women in the scriptures by Camille Fronk Olson which opened my eyes to all the women I’d never heard about. Learning their stories healed my heart and answered my questions about my role in God’s plan. Knowing how important their stories were to me, I found it surprising that so little had been written about them on the the internet.
“Someone really should write about the women in the scriptures,” I thought.
“No, Heather, “ the spirit whispered, “You should write about them.”
And so I did.
More than 12 years later, I have written on hundreds of women and haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of all the amazing women hidden within the pages of the scriptures. There are more than 500 hundred women and groups of women in the scriptures!
I’ve discovered that the problem is not that women are left out of the scriptures, but that women are not studying their scriptures. We are not learning the stories of our ancient heroines, we are not sharing their stories with our daughters and sons, we are not letting the archetypes and lessons of their stories permeate our lives, we are not claiming the rich spiritual heritage that we have been given. We need to claim our heroines! #claimourheroines
I have spent years compiling information and resources about women in the scriptures on this website. I hope it will open you eyes and help you discover women you never knew about. Mostly though, I hope that you will be inspired to open your scriptures and start discovering these women for yourself. They will become your friends and, if you let them, they will strengthen you, teach you and guide you on the path of discipleship, they will lead you to Jesus Christ.