“Home of Learning Retreat”, 2019
What do you talk about?
Women in the scriptures of course! Often event organizers give me a theme and then I prayerfully put together a message for that specific group. I try not to give the exact same presentation twice, though I do seem to have favorites (Eve, developing spiritual gifts, Rebekah, and ancient examples of Relief Society always seem to sneak their way in). If there is a specific woman, theme, or message you would like me to focus on please let me know!
How much do you charge?
I do not charge for presentations, but if there is travel involved I do appreciate being reimbursed for gas.
How far will you travel?

Mandy and I speaking in Grace, Idaho accompanied by our daughters
I live in Pocatello, Idaho but am willing to travel far and wide to share my love of the women in the scriptures. I do accept speaking invitations all over the United States–and even occasionally internationally– but in those cases airfare and lodging would need to be provided. I am very flexible and am willing to stay with families (which is often so much fun), stay the night at a girl’s camp or a retreat and use donated frequent flier miles to travel! Let’s get creative and make it work.
What do you bring with you?
My friend, and the artist for my Walking with the Women of the Scriptures books, Mandy Jane Williams also lives in Idaho and we LOVE to speak together. Whenever possible I always try to bring her along, and we usually split the speaking time between us. We also bring artwork of women from our books to use as visual aids and decorations. Usually, organizers just provide the easels for us to put pictures on (usually borrowed from the library).
How big does my group need to be?
I love speaking to groups of all sizes. Some of my very favorite presentations have been done at girl’s camps or in homes for small groups. With that said, I am a busy mother with very limited time and if I am going to travel a long distance I prefer that the group be larger. For example, if you’d like me to come speak for your ward Relief Society activity talk to your Stake Relief Society and see if you could invite several wards or make it a Stake activity instead!
Are your presentations appropriate for chapels?
Yes, all quotes, images, music, and other audio visual content used is appropriate for chapels. I do not bring any books or artwork with me for sale. Please note that I am very flexible on where I speak, and have spoken in Relief Society rooms, gyms, amphitheaters, homes, around campfires and once I even spoke squished under a tent canopy with forty young women during a thunder and lightening storm!
Are your presentations just for women?
No! In fact, it is very common for me to be approached after a presentation by the bishop or other presiding priesthood figure and have him say, “Wow, I wish our young men or our Elder’s quorum could have heard that!” Just like the stories of the men in the scriptures were not just put in there for men, the stories of the women in the scriptures are not just for women. God wants both men and women to learn from one another and appreciate each other’s viewpoints and experiences. We are so much stronger together than we are apart!
I want to have you come speak, what do I do next?
Work with your auxiliary leaders or event organizer to figure out what type of event you would like to hold. If needed get approval from your bishop or stake president. I am more than happy to provide them with the contact information of my bishop as a reference if they would like it. Email me with the dates and location you are thinking of, and I will see if it will work with my schedule. If it does, then start planning! The sooner you can get the word out about the event, the better attended it will be.