This is my second lesson in my Mom’s MTC, if you want all the nuts and bolts about how we use this curriculum in our home please read this post.
– To God
– To Parents
– Listening
Read A-Loud Books:
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
On My Honor by Marion Dane Bauer
- Are there times when you want something different than what your parents want?
- Why is it hard to obey sometimes?
- Should you obey even when it is hard?
- What blessings came because Christ obeyed?
- What blessings have you gotten because you obeyed?
- Write or paint the following header at the top of a large piece of poster paper: “To Love Means to Obey.”
- Write John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep my commandments” on your poster.
- Paint your child’s feet with washable paint, and have them make footprints across the paper.
- Explain to your child that the footprints represent someone doing exactly as they are asked. Remind them that the Bible says that if they love God, they will obey His commandments. Explain that when they obey God or their parents, they are showing that they love them.
- Remind your child of one or two recent incidents where they obeyed you. Add one or two heart stickers (or draw heart shapes on the paper) to “reward” these examples of obedience. Thank your children for obeying and showing you that they love you and God. Let your children know that when they obey, they can add more hearts to the poster.
- Hang the poster in a prominent location as a reminder to be obedient.
- Each time you add a heart to your poster, review the memory verse and remind your children that they show they love God when they obey Him and their parents.
Set up a traditional treasure hunt where you hide clues and each clue leads the children to the next clue until the final clue leads to the treasure. In this case the treasure could be a treat or a picture of God, heaven, or your family. At first have the children try to find the treasure without giving them any clues (make sure it is hidden well!) When they are unable to find it give them the first clue and help them complete the treasure hunt. At the end of the treasure talk to the children about how we need directions from our Heavenly Father or else we would wander around aimlessly. When we obey our Heavenly Father has promised us the greatest treasure of all– to live with him forever.
- How do you think Jesus feels about the sheep?
- What does He do for the sheep?
- What do the sheep do when he calls their name?
- What if the sheep didn’t obey?
- Jesus takes care of the sheep, do you think He will take care of you?
Before the kids come into the room set up an obstacle course (with pillows, toys, blocks, furniture, etc) but leave one very clear and easy path to navigate though the mess. Blindfold the kids and tell them that there is a surprise waiting for them at the other end of the room, where you are sitting. Tell them that if they can make it to you they can have it. Let them start to make their way towards you but don’t say or anything or try to help them in any way (unless of course they are going to hurt themselves). After they have wandered and run into things for a little bit guide them back to the start and tell them that this time you are going to give them instructions, but they have to listen carefully. Again sit at the other side of the room but this time give them specific instructions about how to walk safely through the obstacle course (just a warning this takes practice, if you can practice giving instructions to your spouse or another adult before you try kids… it is harder than it seems).
Once they reach the prize talk to the kids about what was different about the first time (when they didn’t get instructions) and the second time (when they had instructions). Remind them that Christ is like a good shepherd who is always giving us directions and if we follow them we are happier and safer.
Listen to my Voice
Give one child a staff (or a broom stick) and have them stand in front and pretend to be the “Good Shepherd.” Have another child stand next to them (without a staff) and have them pretend to be the “False Shepherd”. Have the Good Shepherd and the False Shepherd take turns calling out instructions like, “touch your nose’, or “sit on the ground.”Children who follow the Good Shepherd can stay in the game while those who follow the False Shepherd are out of the game. The last person still in the game wins. You can make it harder by having the children close their eyes. Also, if you don’t have very many people you can also just have one person be the Good Shepherd and the False Shepherd by having them face forward when they are the Good Shepherd and turn their back when they are the False Shepherd.
The Silence Game
Tell the children that you are going to “make” silence, and that making silence is hard to do. It requires that you keep your mouth, your feet, and your body quiet. If one person is noisy then you can’t make silence. Ask them if they want to try. If they say yes then tell them as soon as you hold up a sign that says “silence” on it they should start to make silence. Tell them that they need to hold still until they hear their name called and then they can move.
Hold up the silence sign and sit with the kids in silence for as long as you think they can do it. You want it to be long enough that it takes some effort of their part to be quiet. The more you do this activity the longer the children will be able to sit in silence. We did this activity every day for a month and by the end my kids were up to about 5 minutes of silence.
At the end of the silence the teacher stands up very slowly and walks tip toe to the end of the room, while the kids stay where they are. Once at the other end of the room whisper each child’s name, one at a time, and have them walk as silently as they can to you. When all the children have come talk to them (still in a whisper) about how Jesus speaks to us with a still small voice and that when we are still and silent we are able to hear his voice.
We play this game every day we “do” school at the end of our day. It is a good way to wind things down and the kids haven’t gotten tired of it yet!
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Just Go to Bed by Mercer Mayer
Scripture Stories:
What did the angels tell Lot and his family to do?
What did Lot’s wife do?
What happened to her because she disobeyed?
If your Mom and Dad tell you not to peek at something, is it hard or easy to obey?
Key concept : Lot’s wife disobeyed and looked behind her as they were fleeing the city. God dealt with her disobedience by turning her into a pillar of salt. We probably won’t be turned into a pillar of salt but there are always consequences when we disobey. Even though it can be hard it is always best to obey.
I Will Go I will Do
Read 1 Nephi 3
Why didn’t Laman and Lemuel want to obey?
Do you ever murmur when your parents ask you to do something?
Why didn’t Nephi murmur?
What did he tell his father and the Lord that he would do?
How can you be like Nephi?
Key concept Nephi obeyed because he loved the lord and had faith that he would provide a way for them to be successful. Laman and Lemuel murmured because they thought the task was too hard. Just like Nephi we need to have faith to go and do what the lord tells us and trust that everything will work out okay.
Four Parts of Obedience
I stole these four parts of Obedience from the Duggar family who said that they try to teach their children that obedience to God and parents is:
Instant (do it right away even if you don’t understand)
Cheerful (do it without whining or complaining)
Thorough (do a good job)
and Unconditional (do it out of love and without expecting a reward)
For this activity I talked to the kids about each of the four parts of obedience and then drew a picture (since they can’t read) of what it meant. Then I told them a story (that I made up, but you could use one from your family history or your own life) about a little girl who didn’t do any of those four things when her mother asked her to obey and had them tell me what she should have done instead. Then we role played different examples of obeying well and not obeying well.
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You can use whatever pictures work for your kids, somehow these ones worked for us! |
I posted the picture I made on the wall next to our memory scripture and every day after we said the scripture I would have the kids tell me the four parts to obedience. Some days we would do another role play, just to reinforce the idea. I also tried to compliment my children whenever I saw them obeying well, by saying “Wow, Rose thank you for obeying me cheerfully” or something of that sort.
Like a Hen Gatheth her Chicks
Show a video or a picture of a mother hen gathering her chicks under her wing. Talk about how when there is danger the mother hen will cluck and the baby chicks know to run under their mother’s wings to get safe. Talk about what might happen if the baby chicks didn’t listen to their mother. This video is long but has good images, you could watch as much or as little as your children are interested in.
Read the scripture in Matt. 23:37 that says, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”
Talk about how Christ wants to gather us and keep us safe just like the mother hen, but we have to listen and obey his voice. Brainstorm specific ways that the kids can listen and obey Christ.
If you want to extend the lesson you can also play “umbrella tag” where someone stands in one place and holds an umbrella that serves as a “safe” spot whee they can’t be tagged. Runners can only stay under the umbrella for 10 seconds and then they have to run again.
Scripture Stories:
The Ten Commandments
Read Exodus 20
Why did God give the children of Israel commandments?
Do any of these commandments sound familiar?
What would happen if all people lived by these commandments?
What commandments have your parents given you?
Key concept: Give the children a little bit of the background story of the children of Israel (exodus from Egypt, gold calf, etc). Help them understand what each of the commandments means and how it applies to their lives. Teach them that God gave the children of Israel commandments to help them make good choices and be ready to receive the promised land. If we follow the ten commandments today they will help prepare us to receive more blessing from the Lord.
Place a marble on a large plate and the slowly rotate the plate in a circular motion. Increase the speed but still try to keep the marble on the plate. This will become increasingly hard (and might take some practice) but eventually the marble will fly off the plate. Next put the marble in a bowl with high sides and rotate it in a circular motion. Unlike the plate the bowl should allow you to get the marble moving fairly fast without it flying out. After you have demonstrated let the children have a turn with both the plate and the bowl.
Afterwards ask the children why they think the marble didn’t fly out of the bowl, but it did the plate. Point out that the plate did not have boundaries and that without boundaries the marble spun out of control. Talk about how God and our parent give us rules and boundaries because they love us. At first hey might seem to be barriers but that just like the walls on the bowl they actually keep us safe and allow us more freedom.
This is amazing! You're amazing! Have I told you that I am very sad you are moving 🙁 Ames, Iowa is a lucky place to be getting you and your family
You are amazing! Thanks again, Heather.
Thank you for posting this! I am using an alphabet curriculum based on Gospel topics right now, and I love this for after we finish the alphabet! Please keep posting your lesson plans!
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Found this for Honesty: –
We are having so much fun playing along with your curriculum! Thank you for your inspiration! Today we talked about Noah, sang some silly girls camp songs, and made a fun rainbow craft. But the favorite activity by far was building our own ark with couch cushions and gathering up all of the stuffed animals in the house to "save"! Can't wait to see what's up for next month! (Also, wish you were here dancing with us!)
Awesome helps for primary teachers, too! I wish I'd had this two weeks ago when I taught "I Can Be Obedient". Thanks big time.