I’m very excited to introduce my latest project… a study guide for the women in The Book of Mormon! Which is now available on Amazon or as a download.

This study guide is designed to help you learn to “see” the women in The Book or Mormon and undertake a personal study of their lives. It contains scripture references and journaling pages for all 53 women, or groups of women, included in The Book of Mormon. In addition there are questions, prompts, and study aids for each woman’s story that will help you go more in-depth and make your study meaningful.
Many of these women’s stories may be new to you, or you’ll realize that you never noticed them before. For example, how well do you know the stories of Corianton’s two wives, the story of Morianton’s Maid Servant, or the story of Queen Lamoni’s Mother? What about the women of Bountiful, the Lamanite queen who married Amalakiah, or the women kidnapped by the Gadianton Robbers? They all have amazing stories and I am excited for you to discover them and study them.
Not to mention enjoy the incredible photograph of Abish taken by Mandy Jane Williams specifically for this study guide! It just might be my favorite picture she has done yet.
The study guide is available on Amazon for $15.99 or as a download for $4.99 and it would make a great Christmas gift!
In fact, I’ve been thinking that this would be a great for young women because The Book of Mormon is much easier to read and study then other books of scripture and this study guide is a great introduction into how to do a meaningful and in-depth scripture study. Though I’m sure that young (and old) men would enjoy it too… or at least I hope there are some who would!
And if you are teaching (or attending) gospel doctrine next year you probably need to get a copy so that you are able to include these women’s stories in your lessons and comments. Too often we skip over some really wonderful stories, just because we aren’t use to talking about the women in The Book of Mormon.
I can’t wait to hear what you think!
Wow, this looks amazing!
You have produced a monumental work. What a great resourse for our 2016 study of the B of M in the Gospel Doctrine Class. Thank you for you obvious talent and willingness to share your accomplishments. Betty and Reid Blackburn
I'm downloading this now for my 9-11 year old girls in Primary. They loved using the Women in the NT study guide last year, so I'm glad I found this for them! Thank you for this wonderful project.
I LOVE the picture of Abish! I used it in my Young Women's lesson this week and all the girls really loved it. I think it helped them connect to Abish a little more. Thank you for sharing!!! I wish we had more pictures like this portraying women in the scriptures. And I can't wait to dive into this book… Thank you for helping people learn more about the wonderful women in the scriptures!