Today I am excited to share the music of Marie Pearson Tarbet. I was put in contact with Marie several months ago and was so touched by the message and the beauty of her songs. Today I want to share with you two of her songs “Rockin’ Their Babies” and the “The Gift”. Both of these songs make me cry when I listen to them (so get your tissues). In fact, as I was typing this post my husband came in to see if I was okay because he’d heard me sobbing.
Yes, I am okay. Just deeply touched.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did, and don’t forget to the enter the giveaway!
grade one day excited about the “ancestor dolls” they would be making
at our public school. She had to make a paper doll dressed like one of
her ancestors and tell the story about that person. My mind
immediately jumped to the stories I had heard growing up—a great great
grandfather in the Mormon Battalion, another ancestor was a young boy
who knew Joseph Smith. In the midst of these stories my daughter
interrupted me and said, “no no no, it has to be about a girl
ancestor.” This made me stop because I was having a hard time
remembering any great heroic stories about my female ancestors and
realized I didn’t know enough about them. After doing some research we
settled upon her great great great grandmother who died in childbirth
in Nauvoo, leaving her other two young sons. But there wasn’t much
written about her sacrifice. For months I thought about her as well as
all the modern mothers. Reflecting on all the toddler noses we wipe,
and messes we clean and kids we rock and tears we wipe—and no one knows
about it! “Where’s the notoriety?” I thought. “These women will
never be in the history books!” But then I came to the conclusion that
although we are not in the history books, these mothers have all truly made history,
and that the recorded story of our society and church would have
turned out vastly different without these women. I realized that God
knows about all the sacrifices we make and especially all the women who
made the ultimate sacrifice dying while giving birth to another life.
Yes, our contributions are often more private than public, but that’s
OK. We are definitely in heaven’s history book, and that’s a pretty
important book.
6 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was shocked because
I thought this should only happen to older women and definitely not to
me. My three kids were still in elementary school. After the initial
diagnosis I felt kind of like an onion with lots of lots of layers
that keep peeling off. I had been so busy running here and there,
doing the this and that of things I felt were so important. Suddenly
all those layers of my life kept peeling off and peeling off until I
was left with just the core of myself. I realized that only one thing
mattered to me anymore and that was that I wanted to live—but NOT just
to live so I could go out and do all the things I wanted to do. I
wanted to live so I could be there for my three beautiful children and
husband. Family. That was it. For me, I
came to the conclusion that living is not the greatest gift, but being
able to live so I could serve those I love is the greatest gift. This
youtube video features pictures from my family and others friends I
have that are cancer survivors. Celebrate your reasons to live!
brother/sister duo The Pearsons. She and her brother Larry are singer
songwriters with a style all their own! They’re known for their diverse
songwriting, memorable melodies, and lyrics that offer a candid view
into the soul. Marie is a 2 time breast cancer survivor and their song
“The Gift” has been performed at Susan Koman Race For the Cure and
multiple American Cancer society fundraisers throughout Southern
California. You may hear Marie’s familiar voice on many national voice
overs. She has also been a speaker at BYU women’s conference and this spring Deseret Book will publish a book that includes one of her speeches. Marie and
her husband are the parents of three children and live in Southern
Today Marie is giving TWO of my lucky readers copies of BOTH her CDs “There She Goes” and “‘Til It Storms”. If you would like to enter the giveaway please do one (or all) of the following:
1. Leave me a comment telling me which song touched your heart the most and why.
2. Like The Pearsons on Facebook
3. Share one Marie’s songs on Facebook, Twitter, your blog or any other social media site you can think of.
"Rockin' their Babies" is an amazing song! What we do as mothers "behind the scenes" is so important but hardly recognized. Thank you for that song… very touching.
I "liked" The Pearson's on Facebook!
I liked the Pearsons on Facebook!
I liked the Rockin Their Babes song. Our society has MAJORLY devalued women as mothers. I don't know how we could forget how important mothers are.
OH my goodness Heather. I do not think I can pick which song would be my favorite. They are both so very beautiful. Thank you for sharing!!! I too cried through both of them!
Thanks for the giveaway! Such beautiful music!
"The Gift" touched me the most. It reminded me of all of the women I've know who have fought breast cancer, especially my favorite aunt.
I also liked the Pearson's on fb.
I love The Pearsons' music, so it's very hard to choose, especially with a history of breast cancer in my family. We don't know who will be next. I also love family history and have often wondered why we know so little about the hardships the women went through. Rockin' their Babies is my choice but only by a hair. I also liked them on Facebook.
I thought it would be "Rockin their babies", but WOW "The Gift" really hit me. I am so grateful for every day with my family and this just brought that home.
I posted Marie's Video, "The Gift" on my blog yesterday 🙂
I liked them on facebook and shared a song on facebook. I am so going to do paper dolls with my kids in homeschool. so excited…