This week the Relief Society, the oldest and largest women’s organization in the world, will celebrate is 173 birthday! I have a great love for Relief Society, which has mostly been gained by serving in it for the last 13+ years of my life. Even though we have moved often somehow Jon and I would always get called to the same callings (him in the young men’s and me as the Relief Society secretary), we joked that we must come with sticky notes on our foreheads. In 10 years I served in 8 different Relief Society presidencies! In fact, I’m teaching seminary in our Ward right now, and besides a few months as the primary chorister (best calling ever!), it is the first time I’ve had a calling outside of Relief Society.
I’ve often wondered why the Lord had me serve in Relief Society at a time when most of the women my age were being called to Primary and Young Women’s, and I’ve decided that it was because He knew that I needed to gain a strong testimony of Relief Society. I know that for me, coming to understanding the history and the real purpose of Relief Society has done more to strengthen my testimony of womanhood than anything else (well, besides studying the women in the scriptures). It has changed my heart and opened my eyes to spiritual truths in a big way.
This week I want to celebrate the Relief Society by focusing on the Relief Society Declaration.
Did you even know the Relief Society had a declaration?
If not, you have probably heard it before. I always thought it was the Relief Society “theme”, but discovered that it is really called the declaration. This is how it goes:
We are beloved spirit daughters of God, and our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction. As a worldwide sisterhood, we are united in our devotion to Jesus Christ, our Savior and Exemplar. We are women of faith, virtue, vision, and charity who:
Increase our testimonies of Jesus Christ through prayer and scripture study.
Seek spiritual strength by following the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
Dedicate ourselves to strengthening marriages, families, and homes.
Find nobility in motherhood and joy in womanhood.
Delight in service and good works.
Love life and learning.
Stand for truth and righteousness.
Sustain the priesthood as the authority of God on earth.
Rejoice in the blessings of the temple, understand our divine destiny, and strive for exaltation.
It seems reminiscent of the Young Women’s theme, but I love that it is called a declaration, a bold statement of what we as women in the gospel stand for and strive for. I find it interesting that the Young Women’s theme is very focused on developing the type of qualities that women of God embody, things like faith, virtue, good works, and integrity. It is a program where we focus on our Personal Progress, developing our spiritual gifts and becoming the type of woman that God can use in his work.
Yet one of the main prupsoe of Young Women’s is to prepare young women for membership in Relief Society, where the motto is “Charity Never Faileth”. In Relief Society we are focused not on just becoming disciples of Jesus Christ, but in using our spiritual gifts and powers to serve others and do powerful things in His name. Relief Society is the place where we get to put our faith into action, where we literally become God’s hands, feet, arms, legs, womb, breasts, eyes, ears, mouth and whatever else He needs us to be. It is the place where holy women are developed and then sent forth to do miracles. No wonder I love it!
This week and next I am going to focus on the different parts of the Relief Society Declaration. I have some wonderful women who will be doing guest posts on each of the statements, as well as some pertinent stories from women in the scriptures. I’m excited to share my love of Relief Society and to celebrate it with you!
And to start the celebration off right I am happy to be able to give 3 of my readers one of these three printables, based off Relief Society themes, done by Leah at PrintasticDesign!
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This can also be printed off into a bookmark! |
Please use the form below to enter the giveaway, and I look forward to celebrating the Relief Society with you!
I love the sisterhood and the feeling of "we're all in this together" that is found in Relief Society. I have had wonderful visiting teachers who care about and watch out for me!
I love sharing my testimony in Relief Society as we strive to better understand one another as women.
I love the sisterhood in Relief Society. I have learned so much through the 40+ years I have been in RS!
I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for the Relief Society, it has help me to love and know Him and our Savior more and better. I have learn who I am and how much I am worth. I always feel the Spirit strongly telling me that this program is from God.
I love so many things about RS. I really love Visiting Teaching. I have made so many dear friends over the years through bring a visiting teacher and being visit taught. I've been blessed to get to know and serve and be served by women I would not have connected with otherwise.
And I am looking forward to this series of posts! Sounds wonderful!
And I am looking forward to this series of posts! Sounds wonderful!
I have been in primary for 9 years and just starting being a teacher in Relief Society. It's been so nice to focus on what the Relief Society is all about!
I love Relief Society too! I have served in almost every calling within the RS and currently am the President in my ward. I love serving the sisters and hearing their stories. It stengthens my faith.
I love the support network and the automatic friendships. I also love hearing the sisters' testimonies through their comments during lessons.
I didn't know the RS had a declaration but I love it! And I think that connection between the YW theme and the RS declaration need to be made, especially for the YW so they can understand the larger purpose that they have as a woman in the church. I love the sisterhood in RS and the times when I am strengthened as a woman in this church. Thanks for sharing!!
I love the fact that I feel we are God's hands when serving in Relief Society. The sisterhood and love it amazing.
Relief Society is my favorite place to be! Right now I am serving as RS 1st counselor–one of my favorite callings! I love the declaration and this is a beautiful piece. For a while we did recite the declaration in our Sunday RS meeting, but we no longer do, so as to leave more time for the lesson. We also as a presidency took turns breaking down each sentence and giving a thought about that sentence each Sunday until we finished it.
Cathy J ♥
I love the automatic support system and ability to make friends where ever you are.
I love learning from so many amazing women who have so much experience and knowledge to share…and so much love!! I love being a woman 🙂
I am just beginning to understand the true purpose of relief society, but I am grateful for the women in it who are wonderful examples of strong women of God.
That declaration is truly beautiful.
I had no idea the Relief Society had a declaration! This week our Relief Society had an activity playing jeopardy to learn the history of our organization. I was surprised at how little I knew, and was inspired to learn more. I'm looking forward to your future posts!
I had no idea the Relief Society had a declaration! This week our Relief Society had an activity playing jeopardy to learn the history of our organization. I was surprised at how little I knew, and was inspired to learn more. I'm looking forward to your future posts!
I've served as primary chorister under 7 different presidents, so my sticky note is different than yours 😉
I have also served in 2 RS Presidencies. I was called straight from the primary to be the RS President and my first response to the bishop was "But Bishop! I HATE Relief Society!" Oh how I learned to love Relief Society during my time in that calling. I believe that is why I was called. It also taught me that if I rely on Him, I can assist in His Great Work wherever I am called.
I love learning and sharing the Gospel with so many like minded women.
I love learning and sharing the Gospel with so many like minded women.
I love learning in Relief Society. I love the discussions in the lessons and I love the once a month activities. Several of them have broadened me–doing things that I would not normally choose. And I like that. I love visiting teaching. It is so nice to have the connection with other sisters.
I love the sisterhood of Relief Society, our differences and our similarities and how much we can lift each other when we share from our hearts. And I love visiting teaching! It always makes my day better, whether I am the teacher or the visited.
I love the sisterhood of Relief Society, our differences and our similarities and how much we can lift each other when we share from our hearts. And I love visiting teaching! It always makes my day better, whether I am the teacher or the visited.
I've been thinking about writing up some personal declarations & this made me realize that someone has already written some great ones out for me. I am totally going to start saying this each day in the 1st person.
Relief Society is a place to feel love and comfort, and protection from the buffetings of Satan and his minions. Sisters love one another, look beyond faults, and laugh with each other. I am grateful for that group of women with whom I can connect, no matter where I am.
Relief Society has been a blessing to me because it is a place where we can be taught by the Spirit, and it is the same world-wide. In every place I have lived it has been a safe-haven and a comfort. What a blessing it is to have regular access to a large group of like minded sisters who can understand and relate to your life situations and be a blessing and a guide and a friend in times of need. One of my close friends just got called to be the Relief Society president in her ward and it is an intimidating calling for her. I would love to send one of these printables to her to encourage her and show my support.
Relief Society has been a blessing to me because it is a place where we can be taught by the Spirit, and it is the same world-wide. In every place I have lived it has been a safe-haven and a comfort. What a blessing it is to have regular access to a large group of like minded sisters who can understand and relate to your life situations and be a blessing and a guide and a friend in times of need. One of my close friends just got called to be the Relief Society president in her ward and it is an intimidating calling for her. I would love to send one of these printables to her to encourage her and show my support.
Very nice! I'm looking forward to reading these entries
I love learning from other strong and courageous women. I also feel uplifted and strengthened by those in my Relief Society. The older sisters often keep reminding us younger ones what a great work we are doing and help remind me how important the work at home is. I think one of the other things that I find amazing is the Visiting Teaching Program. Now, I know it works far from perfect in most wards, but how amazing is it to think that every sister in the RS has someone looking out for them and ministering to them like the Savior would. I have made so many friends by doing my Visiting Teaching and truly know it's an inspired program.
It took me a long time to learn to love RS… but I really do love it now. I love the association I have with so many different women from all walks of life and a variety of life experiences. I love listening to the lessons and attending weekday meetings!
I appreciate learning from a variety of women from different stages of life and from different circumstance, all working towards the same goal. I loved visiting teaching with women that span a 50 year age gap and learning from their wisdom. I have loved learning from teachers that have been members of the church for just three months to women who have been living the gospel for 70 plus years. It has been a garden full of variety of experience, perspective, and testimony.
Relief Society is a "Safe Haven" and relief from the world. 'Tis wonderful to be able to learn from and with women of all sorts of experiences and to feel our Savior's love!
Relief Society has been a great blessing in my life for a long time. It has given me many opportunities to learn and grow. It has been wonderful watching how R.S. meets the needs of the sisters through different times and places while sharing the gospel.